Zibn in bunkier [Seven in the Bunker]
- Chaim
- Goldstein
- Warszawa
- 1962
- personal accounts
- yes
- no
- Yiddish
A few years before the outbreak of the war in 1939, he emigrated from Poland to France. He lived in Paris, in Rue de Baux, from where he was deported to Auschwitz in June 1942; at the beginning of 1943, he was in Birkenau. His wife and two children stayed in Paris. In October 1943, with other Jews from Auschwitz, chosen by the Germans (about 2,000 people), from different European countries (but not from Poland), he was transported to the Warsaw ghetto, to the Umschlagplatz, and later, put into military prison in Gesia Street. He was released on the day of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising by a partisan unit of the Home Army (Armia Krajowa). He got the pseudonym 'Warszawiak' from them. He took active part in the Warsaw Uprising. After the fall of the uprising, he hid in the bunker for four moths, in the ruins of the house at Franciszkanska Street No. 8. After the war, he got back to France. He found his wife and child.
Related people:
He lived with his mother in Warsaw in the Old Town. His mother died during the Ghetto Uprising during bombing. He wa...
He was deported to Auschwitz and then to Warsaw to a camp. He was liberated by the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising....
She was a young girl, found by one of the Jewish groups, who were brought to clean the Warsaw Ghetto after the Upris...
Belgian Jew- 24 years old. Died heroically in the Warsaw Uprising, fighting at a barricade in Pokorna Street.
He was Chana's cousins' youngest son. He lived in the Warsaw ghetto. His family was deported during one of the Actio...
Aged 18. He was deported from Belgium to Auschwitz Birkenau with his family two years earlier. His father, mother an...
After leaving the hideout at Julia Larisz's home, alone with mother and Chanas mother, they were hiding in a flat of...
A priest. He came from a relatively wealthy, Catholic, very religious peasant family, living in a village near Trebl...
He was in Auschwitz. He was deported to Warsaw together with other Jews in October 1943 and detained in the camp in...
Aged 28. He was a student of medicine. When the war started in 1939, Icchak was in Bialystok with his parents. He wo...
She lived in Lodz at Radomska Street No. 27. Chana came from a rich house. Her father owned an underwear factory . S...
He studied in Lodz, in the chemistry department. He lived in Radomska Street. Samek was in the ghetto in Lodz and in...
Ichazkiel, Chaskiel
More then 50 years old. He lived in Warsaw, in Gesia Street. He owned a small factory in Praga, where cauldrons were...
He lived in a village near Warsaw. Together with his father he tilled the soil. He came to Warsaw in order to take p...
Before the war, he was a member of the youth workers' movement. During the war, he was a member of an underground or...
He was born in 1904. He lived in Warsaw. His father was a butcher in a slaughterhouse. Since his early teens he had...
Julia (Julianna)
a Polish woman, a close friend of Chana's cousins, in love (mutually) in their oldest son. In her flat in Praga, at...
Chaim, Icł
A few years before the outbreak of the war in 1939, he emigrated from Poland to France. He lived in Paris, in Rue de...
A Polish policeman. He helped to prepare a hideout for Jews (11 people hid there) in Julia Larisz's flat, in Praga,...
He was taken out from the Warsaw ghetto by a Polish policeman, Rumszewski. For two years he stayed, with his wife an...
He was in the Warsaw ghetto. Together with his family, he was taken out by a Polish policeman Rumszewski. During two...
A middle-aged man. Before the Warsaw uprising he lived in Freta Street and worked in the sewage system. He fought in...
An SS-man, 23 years old, one of the commanders of the POW's camp in Gesia Street ('Gesiowka'). In the camp there wer...
His family died in the ghetto. In hiding on the "Aryan" side, in Warsaw. During the Warsaw Uprising he fou...
36 years old in 1944. before the war lived in Warsaw in Grzybowska Street. Had a wife and two children. Was a locksm...
A Jew from France. He was in Auschwitz, and after that in the Warsaw ghetto. Liberated thanks to the outbreak of the...
Related places:
Brzeska 7
Eleven Jews hid under this number for two years, in Julia Larisz's flat. Chana (inhabitant of a bunker) with her mot...
Franciszkańska 8
under the house basement ruins - a dug bunker connected by a 10 meter long, half a meter wide and 1 meter high ditch...
At the yard and in front of the house a barricade preventing the Germans to bring reinforcements was raised. This po...
An underground hideout. A group of Jews was in hiding there after the Warsaw Uprising.
- Mławska
- Miodowa
insurgents slept there and among them Jews liberated from the German camp not assigned to any particular unit
- Długa 29
uncertain address
connected with the place described 'between Gesia Street and Praga'
during the street fighting, a young Belgian Jew of unknown surname died in this street; the author of memoirs was a...
One of the German artillery units camouflaged there. Its task was to stop the Soviet army offensive. On the other si...
in the shop of a house situated not far from Krasinki Park
- Nieznana
- Unknown
a group of Jewish prisoners got to the 'Forum' cinema after leaving the camp in Gesia Street released by insurgents...
a prison
It was a rout, which a German lorry made everyday after the end of the ghetto uprising. There was 40 Jews on its tru...
Having left the sewers, Goldstein and Daniel spent three days in the unit of insurgents fighting in Zoliborz. These...
An alive girl sat in one of the cellars, corpse of a dead, young man was lying next to her.
- Świętojerska
- Umschlagplatz
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