Given name: Icchak Family name: Unknown
- Male
- Icchak
- Białystok
Aged 28. He was a student of medicine. When the war started in 1939, Icchak was in Bialystok with his parents. He worked in a local hospital, got married and had some children. He was taken aback by the German attack in 1941, and he did not manage to escape. In the ghetto in Bialystok they lived together: parents and Icchak with his family. The conditions were very hard. Icchak's wife, who studied Polish before the war in order to be a Polish teacher got in touch with a few Polish families, who she met through her friends from the university. Thanks to these contacts she made for herself, Icchak and their children 'Aryan papers', and one day she took the children and went to Warsaw, where she was supposed to find a place also for her husband. After some time Icchak also managed to escape from the ghetto. In Warsaw he found his family. It turned out, however, that they could not hide together. He got the address of some other place where he could hide for a few days. Walking down the streets of Warsaw, frightened and homeless, he met a young girl, who took him to her place (she was a prostitute and the Germans were her guests as well). Icchak stayed there until the outbreak of the uprising. He took part in the Warsaw uprising. After the fall of the uprising he hid for four months in a bunker under the house at Franciszkanska Street No. 8. His wife and child were sent to Germany. He found them after the war and they settled in Australia.
- around the author
Related sources:
- str.326
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