Found 20096 items matching requested criteria

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1586. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw Mrs Peltel's neighbor decided to hide with the Peltels family in one of three rooms having blocked the door with a c...

  • House number: 60?

1589. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw Vladka Meed lives there. She witnesses how in the evenings terrified inhabitants talk in the courtyard. Wladka Meed...

  • House number: 72

1594. Street: Miła City: From Warsaw a bunker, where Lejb Gruzalc, Dawid Hochberg and Berel Tanskroit among others defend themselves during the uprising

  • House number: 29

1596. Street: Miodowa City: From Warsaw the place of meeting for underground acitivists; in autumn 1943 a group of Bund members meet here on the occasion of...

  • House number: 24