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1623. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw Home for employers of Toebbens' shop. The roof was blown off as the result of Soviet bombing in the summer of 1942.

  • House number: 64

1629. Street: Miła City: From Warsaw a tenement house for 'Ursus' workers barracked during a 'round-up'; in the attic - a hidout for several dozen of peo...

  • House number: 26

1632. Street: Miła City: From Warsaw a bunker in the basement, situated under the ruins of the house in Nalewki Street No. 49, the entrance was from Mila...

  • House number: 3

1634. Street: Gęsia City: From Warsaw a very poor district, a bad flat. The Babics did not believe in the ghetto creation, so they did not look for flat e...

  • House number: 79

1640. Street: Miła City: From Warsaw built for money of inhabitants of the house in Mila Street No 3, well-provided with food and water, fans, plank beds...

  • House number: 3