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1504. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw An extraterritorial place of meetings, smuggling. A building through which people could cross to the 'Aryan side.' D...

  • House number: 53/55

1505. Street: Śliska City: From Warsaw the building of the Association of Commercial Workers in Sienna Street Nol 16 / Sliska Street No. 9, where 21-26 Oct...

  • House number: 9

1508. Street: Stawki City: From Warsaw Appearance: 'A huge square behind the buildings of the hospital, enclosed by a tall wall at the top of which there w...

  • House number: 6/8

1509. Street: Miła City: From Warsaw 3 kwietnia 1943 r. Niemcy obstawili ulicę Miłą; spodziewano się odwetu za postrzelenie Niemca przez Żydów; nie doszł...

1518. Street: Gęsia City: From Warsaw on 9 June 1941, the central prison was established in the ghetto at Gesia Street No. 24; between 1943 and 1944 - con...

  • House number: 24

1520. Street: Nalewki City: From Warsaw a Jewish thief [Pinchas-Jakub Zelberring] kills a Pole there [according to Fuks - a Polish policeman], which leads t...

  • House number: 9