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1662. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw Centos headquarters was located there. There were fifteen rooms always full of people. Meetings of the Joint School...

  • House number: 2

1666. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw A Polish Library was there before the war. During the war, the Central Children's Library at the Centos (the Central...

  • House number: 67

1668. Street: Mylna City: From Warsaw there was a new big children's boarding house created by the Centos (the Central Organisation for Orphan Care) in a...

  • House number: 18

1669. Street: Nalewki City: From Warsaw Here, the main center of the organisation Haszomer Hacair in the ghetto was placed, at the municipal kibbutz of this...

  • House number: 23

1672. Street: Orla City: From Warsaw a popular kitchen where Jewish artists gathered; with time it became the centre for visual artists and a popular art...

  • House number: 6

1675. Street: Twarda City: From Warsaw A model Centos boarding house for boys. Devoted housemasters Szternfeld and Dombrowski worked there. Both died with...

  • House number: 7

1679. Street: Dzika City: From Warsaw there were shelters for children from outside Warsaw and those whose fathers had been taken to compulsory labour in...

  • House number: od 1 do 19