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1522. Street: Pańska City: From Warsaw Building of the former Social Insurance Company, to which the School of Nursing was transferred in January 1941 from...

  • House number: 34

1525. Street: Sienna City: From Warsaw The Berson's and Bauman's hospital for children; Dr Braude-Heller was the director of the hospital; during the liqui...

  • House number: 60

1530. Street: Gęsia City: From Warsaw after the Great Liquidation Action all hospital departments were moved there from the ghetto; textiles wholesale sto...

  • House number: 4/6

1535. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw The Centos (Central Organisation for Orphan Care) - i.e. the central of the Centos - established in 1923, with its r...

  • House number: 2