Given name: Owsiej Family name: Bieleńki (5)
At the beginning of the uprising he was totally depressed, and voluntarily left his hideout in order to report at th...
At the beginning of the uprising he was totally depressed, and voluntarily left his hideout in order to report at th...
Probably a senior registrar. He belonged to the older generation of Warsaw doctors.
Captain of the Polish Army, he took part in the defence of Warsaw as a volunteer. In the ghetto, during the epidemic...
Head of the internal ward in the hospital at Gesia Street No. 6.
A Jewish doctor, he died in 1943 in a POW camp in Poniatowa, where he was sent from the Warsaw ghetto. On his behalf...
A famous Jewish doctor. He died in 1943 in the POW's camp in Poniatowa, where he was deported from the Warsaw ghetto...
The headmistress of the Nursing School- she gave a speech during Wajsblat's jubilee.
w 1925 ukończyła Szkołę Pielęgniarstwa, odbyła przeszkolenie w dziale otwartej opieki zdrowotnej w Paryżu i Brukseli...
The headmistress of the Nursing School.
Abrasz Blum's wife. Before the war she was the headmistress of a Jewish kindergarten, and she remained the headmistr...