Given name: Olga Family name: Bomberg
A worker of the Department of Health, she died.
A worker of the Department of Health, she died.
Aktorbierze udział w otwarciu Feminyw "Szafa gra"w "Moje żony mnie zdradzają", NTKw roli Florka...
Before the war he performed in Polish theatres. In the Warsaw ghetto he was a member of the Actors’ Brigade at Cento...
the chairman of The Association of Bakers, residing at Zamenhofa Street No. 24; shot with wife Felicja (wife did not...
The owner of the bakery at Gesia Street No. 19
A baker. He was killed together with his wife, on the night of 18 April 1942.
Before the war he was a known baker. He delivered for free bread, flour and kasha for children, who Wiera Gran took...
He worked in a bakery - he told S. Ch. how to contact a German who for money took the Jews out from the ghetto.
A baker, shot.
Owner of a bakery in Leszno Street.