Given name: Szyja Family name: Blum
Dzielna Street No. 14, flat 9, invalidates lost documents.
Dzielna Street No. 14, flat 9, invalidates lost documents.
His Winter Help poster received an award in a competition.
the author's wife; she works as a clerk; performs at the Winter Help (PZ) action; she sang Lazowertowna's poem on sm...
An actress, she hid together with her husband (Jonas Turkow) during the Great Action in the attic of the house at My...
An actress. The manager of the 'Azazel Theatre' in Nowolipie Street.
sings in the 'Sztuka' Cafe
She performed in a play which Ringelblum saw on 11 December 1940.
artystka, aktorka, bierze udział w rewii w "Eldorado", śpiewa piosenki: "draj techterłech", &quo...
A doctor, he lives (?) sees patients at Leszno Street No. 13
A prominent physiologist, doctor. He was born in a poor family in the Eastern borderlands. He graduated from a Russi...