Given name: Josef Family name: Blosche
An SS-man - he managed the January action and was nearly killed in Schultz's and (or) Toebbens' shops.
An SS-man - he managed the January action and was nearly killed in Schultz's and (or) Toebbens' shops.
An SS-man. During the First Action in the SS office in Ogrodowa Street.
Jeden z przywódców syjonistycznych w getcie w-skim. Przed wojną był przez długie lata dyrektorem głównego biura KKL/...
The former managing director of Jewish National Fund in Poland. He was in the ghetto. At the end of the First Action...
Przed wojną był we władzach K.K.L- centrala w Polsce(?). Był jednym z przewódców radykalno -syjonistycznego ugrupowa...
General Zionists member; he was a member of Oneg Sabbath; from December 1942 a member of the Jewish National Committ...
a former director of Keren Kaiemet; a Zionist, the clothing department head; gives a speech at the Winter Relief; at...
head of Social Commission for Fuel Questions at the Department of Supply [of the Judenrat]; the Commission's efforts...
a Bund activist; gives a speech at a chess tournament - February or March 1942
a political activist; one of 25 candidates for emigration to Palestine in February 1944; he was at the meeting in a...