Given name: Tuwia Family name: Borzykowski
Działacz Droru, he´Chaluc i Poalej Syjon. W Radomsku założył konspiracyjne komórki tych organizacji. W 1940 został w...
- Variant names: Tadek
Działacz Droru, he´Chaluc i Poalej Syjon. W Radomsku założył konspiracyjne komórki tych organizacji. W 1940 został w...
In the bunker in Promyka Street.
Before the war he lived in Radomsko. A member of the youth organizations 'Freiheit' and 'He-Halutz', later on a memb...
A member of He-Chaluc and Dror. He discovered that in the bunker at Franciszkanska Street No. 22 there is an undergr...
Aged 45, funeral organised by the Funeral Home 'Wiecznosc'.
He moved to Ogrodowa Street No. 50, flat 7, a doctor, later - Twarda Street No. 28
'He died. The former chairman of the Judenrat in Warsaw, a distinguished activist buried on the Jewish cemetery in W...
He lived at Sliska Street No. 56, invalidates the lost registration card.
Aged 33, he died.
A beautician, worked at the hairdresser's at Dzielna Street No. 18