Given name: Janina Family name: David
- Female
- Janina
- David
- Dawidowicz
- 1930-00-00
She was born in Poland, the only child of a middle-class Jewish family. She lost her parents during the war years and left Poland in 1946. She spent two years in an international children's home in France, then emigrated to Australia just before her eighteenth birthday. She worked in factories, obtained Australian citizenship and later continued her interrupted education, graduating from Melbourne University with an Arts Degree and a Diploma in Social Studies. In 1958 she settled in England, and worked in various London hospitals as a social worker. In 1978 she left social work to become a full-time writer.
- Intelligentsia
Related sources:
At the age of nine Janina David was leading a sheltered life with her prosperous Jewish family in Poland. One year later they were all facing starvation in the Warsaw ghetto. In the memoirs of wartime childhood Janina David describes the family's struggle against insurmountable odds. When it becomes clear that none of them was likely to survive, the thirteen-year old girl was smuggled out of the ghetto to live with family friends - a Polish woman and her German - born husband. When their home becomes too dangerous, she was sent with false identity papers to a Catholic convent, where she lived in constant fear of being discovered.
- 15-430
Related events:
- Janina together with her mother and grandparents spend the month o... 1939-09 ,
- Janina and her family arrive in Warsaw. Nowhere can they find a pl... 1939 ,
- Siostra Zofia prosi Janinę, żeby opowiedziała jej o swoim ojcu. Ja... 1944 ,
- Dziewczęta zachwycają się, bo mają okazję po raz pierwszy spróbowa... 1944 ,
- Janina wreszcie ma dostęp do książek. Może się dzielić swoimi spos... 1944 ,
- In the new convent Janina feels almost like at home. Everyone is m... 1944 ,
- Janina finds out that the Gestapo came to her old convent and they... 1944 ,
- Five-year-old Franka arrives at the convent. Janina is to take car... 1944 ,
- Janina codziennie odwiedza swoją przyjaciółkę Tosię. Przysięgły so... 1940-11 ,
- Parę dni po wizycie Pani Lydii pod dom Davidów zajechał samochód.... 1940-11 ,
- Pani Lydia zabiera małą Janinę na święta do siebie do domu. Bez pr... 1940-12 ,
- Janina wrote the best essay that Mrs. Bloch had from all her stude... 1942 ,
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- Janina's parents always gave her the best part of every meal. Jani... 1942 ,
- Father had a wonderful surprise for Janina. He had bought two tick... 1942 ,
- A policeman informed Janina and her mother of Zyggie's death. ' We... 1942 ,
- Mrs. Bloch asked for volunteers to help at the local orphanage. Sh... 1942 ,
- Janina developed an eye infection. Their doctor suspected trachoma... 1942 ,
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- Celia is ill and can't leave the bed. Janina takes over her houske... 1942 ,
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- After Mr. Roth's death, the Davids are the only family left in the... 1942-08 ,
- The Davids move into a big, new, sunny flat. It has just been empt... 1942-08 ,
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- For the first time since 1939 the air raids began. Russian or Engl... 1942-09 ,
- Janina's mother cries day and night. Janina was ashamed of her and... 1942-09 ,
- Janina is ill. Some time a go, a man in the crowd burned her hand... 1942 ,
- Janina has a rheumatic fever and should stay in bed for three week... 1942 ,
- Janina's day begun at 5 a.m. when her parents and neighbours went... 1942-01-01 ,
- Janina receives a letter from Tosia. She says that she is fine. Sh... 1942 ,
- The hope that they will all survive or at worst Janina alone will... 1942 ,
- Janina sometimes hears her father say - ' I must last as long as J... 1942 ,
- Janina and Celia spend a sleepless night. 'Are you sure that you w... 1943-01 ,
- Jest jeszcze ciemno na dworze, kiedy Mark każe Janinie się zbierać... 1943-01 ,
- Janina is going to leave the ghetto with a group of workers. A tal... 1943-01 ,
- Zaczyna świtać, pada śnieg. Jadą przez puste ulice Warszawy. W pew... 1943-01 ,
- Eric pics Janina up from the street and takes her to his apartment... 1943-01 ,
- Janina budzi się na dźwięk strzałów. Zaczęła się kolejna, już osta... 1943-04-19 ,
- Lydia dostaje telefon z pogróżkami. Ktoś wie, że mają u siebie żyd... 1943-05 ,
- The atmosphere at home is hard to bear. Lydia is never there and J... 1943 ,
- Eric załatwia Janinie nowe dokumenty tożsamości. Odtąd Janina będz... 1943-08 ,
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- W niedziele jest czas odwiedzin. Janina co tydzień czeka, aż przyj... 1943-08 ,
- Eric wreszcie przyjeżdża. Przynosi Janinie paczkę cukierków. Otrzy... 1943-10 ,
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- W klasztorze i okolicach panował spokój. Było tam pięknie. Mimo to... 1943-10 ,
- Janina's best friend - Alice, by accident spills some boiling wate... 1943 ,
- Eric visits agian. This time he brings the boys along. He has got... 1943 ,
- Janina uczy 9-letnią Bronię. Jest bardzo miłym i bystrym dzieckiem... 1943-12 ,
- Janina mdleje podczas przedstawienia. Jest niedożywiona i ma ciężk... 1943-12 ,
- Eric brings Janina home for Christmas. New Year's eve is rather sa... 1943 ,
- Erica aresztuje Gestapo. Janina nie wie dlaczego. Przychodzi po ni... 1944-01 ,
- Janina finds out why did she suffer such hunger in her former conv... 1944 ,
- A week before Easter Janina is baptised. Sister Zofia is her Godmo... 1944 ,
- Janina jest bardzo chora. Znowu nasila się szkorbut i dziąsła bole... 1944-10 ,
- Okazuje się, że Janina ma żółtaczkę i cierpi na skrajne niedożywie... 1944-10 ,
- Janina jet tak słaba, że nie ma już siły chodzić. Większość czasu... 1944 ,
- The sixth year of the war is beginning. Who would have thought it... 1944-12 ,
- Rosjanie wkroczyli na tereny Polski. Janina czuje się wolna. Czeka... 1945-01 ,
- Janina dzień i noc czeka na ojca. Któregoś dnia przychodzi po nią... 1945-02-23 ,
- Eric takes Janina home - to Kalisz. Her hometown hasn't been devas... 1945 ,
- Eric is arrested. The reason isn't known. Janina is left without a... 1945 ,
- Janina is depressed. She can't handle school, she can't handle eve... 1945 ,
- An unknown man approaches Janina on the street. He tells her that... 1946 ,
- Janina looses step with life and reality. She lives like in a coma... 1946 ,
- ' My parents are dead. They died in a concenration camp or, betray... 1946 ,
- The whole convent is struck by an epidemic of' flu. The older girl... 1944-03 ,
- Janina is spending her summer holidays in a village called Crosswa... 1939 ,
- Mother and Father visit Janina on Sundays. Janina is happy about h... 1939 ,
- Janina nie chciała myśleć o tym, że jej rodzice się boją, bo wtedy... 1940-10 ,
- Pewnego dnia ojciec Janiny wraca z prezentami do domu - przyniósł... 1940-11 ,
- Janina was invited for her birthday by Lydia. She got a cake and m... 1942 ,
- Janina's mother was determined to continue Janina's education. Tha... 1941 ,
- A new girl joins Janina's class - Yola. Janina becomes fascinated... 1942 ,
- Not far from Janina's house a children's playground was open. Celi... 1942 ,
- On the playground Janina met other girls her age and together they... 1942 ,
- Janina and her 'school' friends were on their way to their lessons... 1941 ,
- Janina was particularly interested in geography. She wanted to kno... 1942 ,
- The cold was becoming unbearable. Even when the stove was red-hot,... 1942 ,
- Coffee was the only thing for breakfast now. During the day Mark a... 1942 ,
- After a few weeks of no news, Lydia appears at the Davids. She tel... 1942 ,
- Mark has pleurisy. He spends many hours in bed, accompanied by Jan... 1941 ,
- The Davids can't afford firewood and they have to use sawdust as f... 1941 ,
- Mark arranges the numbers for Celia's parents. Unfortunately a mis... 1942-09 ,
- During the spring Janina and her Mother often visited Aunt Lola -... 1941 ,
- The David's life takes place mostly in one room. They cook there,... 1941 ,
- The police whistles wake the ghetto. Everyone is to go to the cour... 1943-01-18 ,
- The 'action' was called off. The Davids emerge from their cellar a... 1943-01 ,
- Eric znalazł dla Janiny klasztor, w którym może zamieszkać. U nieg... 1943-08 ,
- Janina ma odmrożone stopy i z trudnością zakłada buty każdego rank... 1943-12 ,
- Janina udziela lekcji paru dziewczynom, które gorzej radzą sobie w... 1943-12 ,
- Janina and the other children are hiding in the cellar. She is afr... 1944-08 ,
- Going through the ruined city was a terrible experience. The Germa... 1944 ,
- They can go where they want - that's what the Germans tell them. T... 1944 ,
- Once a month Mother Superior goes to visit Eric. She always brings... 1944 ,
- Podczas dni spędzonych po aryjskiej stronie Janina miała tylko jed... 1940-12 ,
- Janina and her Mother used to buy a baigel from time to time. But... 1941 ,
- A couple spends the night at the Davids apartment. To their astoni... 1942-09-21 ,
- Janina gets some books she used to read a few years ago, when she... 1942 ,
- Sister Margaret suspects that Janina hasn't been baptised and that... 1943 ,
- Janina takes her First Communion. She prays fervently to God, she... 1944 ,
- The eastern front is advancing towards Warsaw. Every ight the bomb... 1944 ,
- Janina ma depresję. Czuje, że nie jest warta tego całego poświęcen... 1944-01 ,
- Janina trafia do nowego klasztoru. Jest niezwykle zaskoczona, gdy... 1944-01 ,
- Mark telephones for the first time for Janina's thirteenth birthda... 1943 ,
- Mrs. Lala visits Janina. She is a beautician and works for Eric. S... 1944 ,