Given name: Alina Family name: Brewda
Between 1940 and 1942 in the Warsaw ghetto, before the war she lived at Miodowa Street No. 11, she was imprisoned in...
Between 1940 and 1942 in the Warsaw ghetto, before the war she lived at Miodowa Street No. 11, she was imprisoned in...
She wrote song texts for W. Gran and the others. They worked together in Majdanek. After work- she sang in the barra...
Ugly, noisy and forcing herself to others. She was, however, extremely gifted and musical - a composer, author and p...
She performed in the 'Sztuka' Cafe.
Before the war no one had heard about her, in the ghetto she wrote Polish and Jewish texts for cabarets.
An artist, she performed in a cabaret in the 'Sztuka' Cafe.
A well-known poet writing in the ghetto. Her poems were recited in a literary cabaret in the ghetto.
the author of Polish lyrics sung by Diana Blumenfeld in 'The Wheels Have Been Greased' ('Szafa gra') in the Femina;...
38 lat, zmarł, poeta i publicysta - Sonety, poezja pracy, liść dębowy, "Sygnały z Marsa", "Klucz wiol...
A Jew, Polish poet, representative of the so called 'labour poetry'.