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3112. Street: Sienna City: From Warsaw doctor D. Amsterdamski lives there, surgeon from October 1940 and doctor L. Rosen, a specialist in internal medicine...

  • House number: 61
  • Phone: 2-17-89

3115. Street: Solna City: From Warsaw doctor W. Proszower lives there, doctor of medicine, internal diseases, 9 a.m.-10 a.m. and 4 p.m.- 6 p.m.

  • House number: 17 m.7
  • Phone: 1207-79

3118. Street: Solna City: From Warsaw doctor Paulina Lewi-Margolis lives there, doctor of medicine, women's illnesses, obstetrics, operations, childbirths...

  • House number: 6 m.6

3119. Street: Śliska City: From Warsaw Robert Nadelman (a doctor dentist) sees patients and Grosglik (a venereologist) and Hilary Ritterbrand (a dentist);...

  • House number: 56 m. 2