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3081. Street: Elektoralna City: From Warsaw TOZ out-patients clinic. Internal diseases (heart, lung, liver diseases, diabetes), surgical, obstetrics - women's i...

  • House number: 13
  • Phone: 300-84

3090. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw currently, Szymon Essigman sees patients; doctor Rozenberg from Lodz sees patients, stomach, intestine and liver dis...

  • House number: 29 m. 4

3093. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw doctor S. Wajntraub lives there, doctor of medicine, skin and venereal diseases, impotence, medical analyses. 8 a.m....

  • House number: 66 m.2

3095. Street: Nalewki City: From Warsaw A clinic, doctors of all specializations. Open all day long. Doctor visits in the city. Vaccinations against typhus...

  • House number: 17
  • Phone: 12-23-23