Given name: Unknown Family name: Schmerling (13)

  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) YES
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) Male
  • (2) Mieczysław , (3) Mieczysław , (7) Mieczysław , (9) Mieczysław , (10) Mieczysław , (13) Mieczysław
  • (1) Schmerling , (2) Szmerling , (3) Szmerling , (4) Szmerling , (5) Szmerling , (6) Szmerling , (7) Szmerling , (8) Szmerling , (9) Szmerling , (10) Szmerling , (11) Szmerling , (12) Szmerling , (13) Szmerling
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) No information
  • (1)

    A German collaborator, the attempt on his life in 1942 failed.


    A Jewish Police (Order Service) officer. Brutal and bestial. He served the Germans faithfully. ZOB (the Jewish Fighting Organisation) sentenced him to death but it could not be done because of technical reasons.


    Deputy district commander of the Jewish Police Inspection


    Jewish policeman, disinfection, he was big, broad-shouldered and strong, he had small penetrating eyes. He beat Jews and Jewish policemen, he was brutal during the action. The Umschlagplatz commandant. Assassination was prepared for him but he was killed by Germans.


    Military city commander on the Umschlagplatz - he was a bastard, disgusting scoundrel, upposedly he made millions on his position


    Officer of the Jewish Police. He was known for his brutal behavior. Constable in the Umschlagplatz during the First Action. In the first week of August 1942 when children from orphanage at Twarda Street No. 27 were released from the Umschlagplatz (with SS-officer's permission) he did not allow other children to join the released group (J. Barski tried to do this).


    the Umschlagplatz commander. Very cruel. He broke his leg and Fuerstenberg replaced him - September 1942.


    Officer. He was in the central station of the Jewish Police. He was in charge of the Umschlagplatz.


    He was active at the Umschlagplatz, the head of the Order Service (Jewish police) in April 1943


    In August 1942 Gutman made unsuccessful assassination attempt on his life


    przed wojną prowadził fabrykę sztucznych kwiatów. Podobwodowy SP, komendant Umschlagplatzu w czasie I akcji. Dzięki swemu dużemu wzrostowi i czarnej bródce był w łtumie widoczny. Bezwzględny wobec Żydów, uległy wobec Niemców. W licznych przypadkach przeszkodził usiłowanym ucieczkom z wagonów lub placu, ale dobrze opłacony za pośrednictwem swoich zaufanych samodzielnie zwalniał


    Skler's deputy. In Skler's absence he commands the District V


    Na cele kompanii przeciwepidemicznej SP. Dzienny dowódca Umschlagu, na polecenie Brandta po 6-7 dniach na Umschlagplatzu został awansowany na obwodowego. Odznaczał się brutalnością, żaden Niemiec nie mógł być od niego gorliwszym.
    12 września 42r. zawdzięcza mu ocalenie kilkunastoosobowa grupa lekarzy i pielęgniarek ze szpitala.
    Po selekcji wrześniowej na stanowisku kierownika Umschlagplatzu zastąpił go Fuerstenberg.

  • (1)

    Anielewicz mentions Schmerling's come back to the ghetto ca. 23 April 1943 in his letter to Zuckermann.


    July 1941


    Szmerling is also mentioned in testimony 301-1454


    Jewish beast, torturer


    Athlete who liked to show his strength whenever possible. He was brought before court for beating

  • (3)

    Documents from the State Archive of New Records regarding
    the Warsaw Ghetto


    Barski, Jozef; Przezycia i wspomnienia z lat okupacji (Experiences and Memoirs of the Occupation)


    Rubinsztajn, Majer relacja 301-2840 (testimony 301-2840)


    Bryskier, Henryk, fragmenty relacji drukowane w "Pamiętniki z getta warszawskiego. Fragmenty i regesty", opr. M. Grynberg


    Adler, Stanislaw


    N, N

  • (1) 92, 195, (2) 292, (3) [s., 650,, AAN-27,, s.18], (4) 103,117, (5) 74,128,133,151, (6) [s., 31], (8) 52, (9) 26,41,80, (10) 233, (11) [236], (13) [s., 2,, 150,, 153,, 155,, 197]