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1266. Street: Orla City: From Warsaw the house was rented out to three Jews from Radzyminska Street No. 53 (Stefana Mermelstein with mother and Klara Hec...

  • House number: 6

1267. Street: Pańska City: From Warsaw one of Michal Klepfisz's hideouts: one evening the Gestapo arrest him near the house; a hideout: a young Jew, Jagodz...

  • House number: 48

1278. Street: Twarda City: From Warsaw Wladka's new flat, which she bought from Bronka. Located on the second floor. A room and a kitchen. In the room, beh...

  • House number: 36

1280. Street: Wałowa City: From Warsaw A Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) group, under Henoch Gutman's command, was stationed in the building opposite th...

  • House number: 6