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6702. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw In the building at Leszno Street No. 5 smuggling ('szmugiel') from the 'Aryan side' took part through the basement w...

  • House number: 5

6703. Street: Miła City: From Warsaw Bunkier należał do czompów - ludzi z warszawskiego marginesu społecznego, wśród których było wielu "wybitnych&q...

  • House number: 18

6705. Street: Nalewki City: From Warsaw Shop in the Warsaw ghetto, whose owner was a German, Hermann Brauer. The Jewish Fighting Organisation (ZOB) members...

  • House number: 28-30

6710. Street: Miła City: From Warsaw House on the crossroads with a huge, spacious yard, where hundreds of Jews (fighters and civilians) found shelter fr...

  • House number: 7