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5290. Street: Gęsia City: From Warsaw the Warsaw Board of the TOZ (The Society for the Protection of the Health of the Jewish Population in Poland), vacci...

  • House number: 43
  • Phone: 11-64-90

5291. Street: Prosta City: From Warsaw September 1941: enrollments to school - open from October 1941; School No. 1, two elementary schools; at the end of...

  • House number: 8

5293. Street: Nalewki City: From Warsaw People’s Kitchen is located there, the Regional Office of the Jewish Emergency Service (ZPR) - region IV- vaccinatio...

  • House number: 21

5294. Street: Nalewki City: From Warsaw People’s Kitchen is located there; September 1941: enrolment to school; building of the religious school for girls '...

  • House number: 37

5295. Street: Gęsia City: From Warsaw Distribution point of the Section for Aid to the Poorest [of the Judenrat] of the Department for Social Welfare; by...

  • House number: 7

5296. Street: Twarda City: From Warsaw Optician. Frames- latest patterns, cheapest glasses, repairing glasses and pince-nez; about 60-year-old woman died o...

  • House number: 6