Found 20096 items matching requested criteria

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3322. Street: Grzybowska City: From Warsaw Last Journey funeral home takes care of all the formalities concerning organisation of the funeral, transport of the...

  • House number: 23
  • Phone: 3-11-39

3323. Street: Grzybowska City: From Warsaw właściciel: M.Pinkiert; Pierwsze żydowskie Biuro Pogrzebowe „Wieczność”, „Necach-Weemeth”. Działalność biura obejmuj...

  • House number: 24
  • Phone: 647-99

3331. Street: Karmelicka City: From Warsaw German, Polish, Russian, typing, commercial and private correspondence. Cost estimates. Tax, POW, deportation and de...

  • House number: 8
  • Phone: 11-71-13

3333. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw Institution for legal support for Jews. Licensed application and translation office for Jews. Formulating, informing...

  • House number: 13

3336. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw dry cleaner's Bauerberg was moved; formerly Twarda Street No. 5; currency exchange: Dzielna Street No. 38, Zelazna S...

  • House number: 42

3338. Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw Jancerz J. recommends for autumn-winter season the latest cuts of women's coats - as well as furrier's alterations;...

  • House number: 67 m. 43