Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw a small boy begs there for two years, he recites 'W piwnicznej izbie' ('In the Basement Flat') and 'Powrot taty' ('D...
Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw An extraterritorial place of meetings, smuggling. A building through which people could cross to the 'Aryan side.' D...
- House number: 53/55
Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw a garden for children at Toebbens's shop; situated next to the shop; during the Action Germans took children from th...
Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw the Jewish Hospital was moved to this building after the ghetto closure [in January 1941]
- House number: 80/82
Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw the surgical department of the evacuated Czyste Hospital (6 September 1942 evacuation to Stawki Street No. 6)
- House number: 1
Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw Korczak asked for a sick orphan to be admitted to the hospital.
- House number: 1
Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw The Centos (Central Organisation for Orphan Care) - i.e. the central of the Centos - established in 1923, with its r...
- House number: 2
Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw Korczak writes with the head of the Health Commission, Dr Anna Braude-Heller
- House number: 3