Given name: Henia, Gena Family name: Troman
- Female
- Henia, Gena
- Troman
Teacher, the University of Warsaw Master of Arts; Irena Kucharzak's friend; during the German occupation first worked in a post office, then in the brushmkers' shop at the Swietojerska Street; in 1940 she asked Irena Kucharzak to rent a flat and to organize a hiding place for several people; she was hiding first in a flat at Chlodna Street No. 15, then at the corner of Grzybowska No. 29 and Ciepla Streets; in the summer of 1943 together with her brother and his family was deported to a camp for foreigners in Bergen Belsen and she was killed there.
- Intelligentsia, around the author, hideout
Helping Jews by Irena Kucharzak – hiding and feeding them and her activity in the Jewish Fighting Organisation (ZOB). Pages 1-2 - the scan of the envelope, addressed to the Jewish Historical Institute (ZIH) by Michal Karnas from Lezajsk. Irena Kucharzak's affidavit on her activity during the occupation. Stefania Seifert's affidavit, a letter from Mirka, an acquaintance of Irena Kucharzak (signature illegible), Tadeusz Bednarczyk's affidavit, a copy of Marek Edelman's statement, copy of Rachel Gutman's statement and a letter from the Jewish Historical Institute statement confirming Irena Kucharzak's help offered to people pursued by the Germans during 1943–1945. Copy of Rachela Auerbach's statement, head of the Yad Vashem Testimonies Collecting Department on Rachela Gurman's experiences during the Nazi occupation in Poland (statement recorded in 1955, sygn. 03/43/I-G describing the deportations from the Warsaw ghetto during 1942-1943 until Mrs Gurman's escape from the ghetto on the eve of the Jewish uprising). Written on 10 September 1964. (Irena Kucharzak), 2 December 1964 (Stefania Seifert), 7 October 1964 roku (another date – 3 December 1965, an acquaintance of Irena Kucharzak – signature illegible), 1966 (Tadeusz Bednarczyk), 17 November 1964 (Marek Edelman), 20 January 1966 (Rachela Gurman), 21 February 1965 (Rachela Auerbach) and 10 March 1966 (ZIH). Original, longhand, typescript 23 pages, 210 x 295 mm., in Polish, no copy. <b>Archive of the Jewish Historical Institute </b> Tlomackie St. 3/5 00-090 Warsaw phone: (48) (22) 827 92 21, fax: (48)(22) 827 83 72 <a href=''></a> <a href=''></a>
- 3
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