Given name: Arnold Family name: Szpinak (2)
80 years old, he died, former citizen of Warsaw and Otwock, former judge in a court of commerce, former member of th...
80 years old, he died, former citizen of Warsaw and Otwock, former judge in a court of commerce, former member of th...
He administers a canteen for artists, works as a clerk
W getcie pracował jako zdun, stolarz i elektryk. zbudował w getcie dużo bunkrów, ukrywał się na pocz. powstania z żo...
Elektoralna Street No. 30, retail trade of marmalade " Karmen"
From Lodz, died after great suffering , 30 years old, Dawid Szernfeld's brother
He lost his wife and daughter - they were deported to Treblinka during the evacuation of the hospital at 12 Septembe...
Lost registration form No. 51484
27 kwietnia 43 podczas likwidacji bunkra na Nowolipkach 40 zaczęła bić Niemców nahajką i została za to natychmiast z...
55 years old, died
He was in the management of the Office of Bank Settlements, since January 1942 he was a board member of the Cooperat...