Given name: Mordechaj Family name: Mazo
- Male
- Mordechaj
- Mazo
- Warszawa,centralne getto
before the war he was the director of the 'Wilenska Trupa'. During the ghetto period he was already over 60 years old. He turned out to be a talented and perfect speaker and lecturer. He was the main performer, a person who gave shape to the ideas of organisers of the cultural life in the ghetto (Linder Menachem), an executor of plans and programmes. He was a person of theatre, a celerity of Jewish drama. He died at the end of the ghetto existance. In the winter months of 1942/1943 he vegetated in some office of a social department of the Judenrat. With his last wife, the actress Ester Goldenberg, he survived the January Action. They both moved to some shop. According to the information from the volume II of the Ringelblum's notes, they both died during the uprising in the ghetto, in the central ghetto.
- Intelligentsia
- s.185,252,253
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