Given name: Leopold Family name: Lindenfeld (5)
deputy district commander of the Order and Discipline Section [of the Jewish Police] - July 1941
- Variant names: Lendenfeld
deputy district commander of the Order and Discipline Section [of the Jewish Police] - July 1941
Long standing assessor in the Court of Appeal in Warsaw. Governor of the ghetto prison. On behalf of the Capital Cit...
head of the prison in the ghetto, judge of Polish courts; he lived in the prison building. SS-men shot his wife, 12-...
former court assessor, from 1940 clerk in Division I of the Jewish Police
shot in the Britania hotel
Caricaturist, graphic designer; he was dragged out of the Casanova and shot during St. Bartholomew's Night.
Menahem Linder's wife
Wife of a well-known worker for voluntary causes and a Yiddish scholar, Menachem Linder, murdered on 19 April 1942....
Ringelblum's collaborator, economist, called Majni or Maks; on his initiative a seminar for youth acitivists was org...
Studiował we Lwowie, na uniwersytecie. Należał do młodzieżowej organizacji syjonistycznej ,,Haszomer hacair", z...