Given name: M. Family name: Bieberstein
head of the Judenrat in Cracow; before the war a Religious Education teacher in an elementary school and a social ch...
head of the Judenrat in Cracow; before the war a Religious Education teacher in an elementary school and a social ch...
Siebert's deputy, since 1940 he dealt with Jewish issues in Krakow on behalf of the Gestapo.
One of the first that the Germans chose by saying 'Du bist mein' ('You are mine'). Shot outside a hotel on a July ni...
Przebywała w Areszcie Centralnym w dniu, gdy miał ulec likwidacji.
Webmajster's father-in-law.
Nikodem Goldsztajn's brother-in-law.
Owned a shop. Had three children.
A member of the presidium of the Jewish Social Self-Help (ZSS).
the director of the Nationalsozialistische Wohlfart (National Socialist Welfare); a distinguished party activist's s...
Zasłużona działaczka na polu udzielania pomocy Żydom. Tłumacz przysięgły z języka niemieckiego, francuskiego i angie...