Given name: Unknown Family name: Brokman (2)
A lecturer at epidemiological courses in the Warsaw ghetto.
A lecturer at epidemiological courses in the Warsaw ghetto.
Aged 30, funeral organised by the Funeral Home 'Wiecznosc' under M. Pinkiert, Grzybowska Street No. 24
A pianist. A concert in Korczak's Orphanage, a concert in the Femina Theatre on 4 April 1942.
Director of a children's hospital. A paediatrician. In the Warsaw ghetto she collaborated with the Centos (the Centr...
The director of the Bersohn and Bauman Children's Hospital. During the round-up she had to distribute life numbers....
The director of the Bersohn and Bauman Children's Hospital.
During the uprising she hid in a bunker which found itself under the hospital in Gesia Street.
The head of the Health Commission, director of the Bersohn and Bauman hospital.
A member of the TOZ board (the Central Organization for Orphan Care) - from 13 November 1940, at least to January-Ma...
Director of a hospital. She died together with the sick. A former member of the Warsaw Municipal Council. Iop2YV03/2...