Given name: Kazimierz Andrzej Family name: Kot (5)

  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) YES
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Male
  • (1) Kazimierz Andrzej , (2) Andrzej , (3) Andrzej , (4) Kazimierz Andrzej
  • (1) Kot , (2) Kot , (3) Kott , (4) Kott , (5) Kott
  • (1, 3) 1919
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) No information
  • (1)

    Born in a completely assimilated and educated Jewish family. While in junior high school he belonged to a Polish underground school organisation. Left for England in 1937 because he did not want to endure anti-Semitic excesses at Polish universities; social and political studies at the University of Liverpool. Sent articles from Liverpool to magazines associated with the democratic party in Poland. In 1939, before the outbreak of the war, he returns to Poland. Fights in the Polish army against the Nazi invasion. Right after Germans had captured Warsaw Kot participated in the underground's activities within the framework of PLAN (Polish People's Independence Action), which was a democratic party. Becomes the commander of the combat department? Takes part in a couple of sabotage actions and helps construct the first secret radio station for the uprising movement. At the beginning of January 1940, due to a provocation he got arrested by the Gestapo. Put in prison at the Gestapo headquarters in Szucha Avenue from where he manages to escape at first to Lvov and then to the Soviet Union. Died in the Soviet Union. The Gestapo arrested his whole family. His parents and sister died during an action in the Warsaw ghetto.


    The commander of a conspiracy group. Arrested by Germans, managed to escape. On 21 February arrest warrants appeared in Warsaw streets promising a two-thousand-zloty prize for those who would inform about the "wanted murderer."


    Kott ochrzcił się parę lat przed wybuchem wojny; studiował na Politechnice w Liverpoolu; do Polski powrócił już po wybuchu wojny. Zaangażował się w działalność konspiracyjną, został komendantem wydziału bojowego organizacji Polska Ludowa Akcja Niepodległościowa )PLAN). Został aresztowany i osadzony w siedzibie gestapo na Szucha, skąd uciekł.. W związku ze sprawą aresztowano spośród inteligencji warszawskiej - tak Polaków, jak i Żydów - "wielu ludzi" i wszystkich stracili. Niemcy zwrócili się do Gminy o pomoc w poszukiwaniu Kotta. Sprawa Kotta to drugi (po Wawrze) wypadek zastosowania odpowiedzialności zbiorowej [wg. Gutmana, Żydzi warszawscy..., s.61-62; zob. A. Rutkowski, Sprawa Kotta...., Biuletyn ŻIH 1967, nr 65


    A Christian convert, a member of the leftist PLAN (Polish People's Independence Action), escaped from the Gestapo building in Szucha in January 1940.


    A student of law - kills a gendarme.

    • (1) Intelligentsia
    • (2, 3) searches
    • (4) activists
    • (5) youth
  • (2)

    Kapłan, Chaim Aron Scroll of Agony. The Warsaw Diary, transl. from Hebrew and ed. by A. I. Katsh


    Cyprys, Ruth; Skok dla życia. Pamiętnik z czasów okupacji Polski


    Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: the 'journal' of Emanuel Ringelblum; Emanuel Ringelblum’s work was edited and translated into English by Jacob Sloan, and published in New York by McGraw-Hill Book Company, cop. 1958 under the title Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: the 'Journal' of Emanuel Ringelblum


    Adler, Stanisław <> <>

  • (1) 62-65, (2) 88,p, (4) [83]