Given name: Zelik Family name: Heller (16)
- (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) YES
- (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) Male
- (1) Zelik , (3) Zelik , (4) Zelig , (6) Zelik , (8) Zelik , (11) Z
- (1) Heller , (2) Heller , (3) Heller , (4) Heller , (5) Heller , (6) Heller , (7) Heller , (8) Heller , (9) Heller , (10) Heller , (11) Heller , (12) Heller , (13) Heller , (14) Heller , (15) Heller , (16) Heller
- (8) 1942-07-08
- (1) summer 1942, (2) 1942, (14) August 1942
- (13) Łódź
- (1, 8, 14) Warszawa, (2) W-wa, (3) Ogrodowa 17
- (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) No information
A famous Jewish collaborator a co-owner of Kohl & Heller company.
(2)A Jewish Gestapo agent. Killed in a courtyard where the Jewish Police office was located.
(3)Kohn & Heller company - omnibuses, dealings with the "Thirteen."
(4)Formerly had ties with the "Thirteen," later on went into partnership with Kohn - many licences under the protection of the Gestapo.
(5)A Jewish Gestapo collaborator , during the summer of 1942 spread rumours about an upcoming deportation.
(6)Quit his job in a department store in Leszno Street No. 13, got a licence to sell vegetables in the ghetto, makes a lot of money.
(7)According to rumours, he was to have taken part in negotiations against the passing of the decree concerning deportation of 70,000 Jews in July 1942.
(8)Jeszcze na pocz. wojny obdartus. Król Gestapowców, współwłaściciel firmy Kohn i Heller. Jakoby oficer Gestapo, zatrudniony w Sicherheitsdienst. Podobno zastrzelił na pocz. 40r. Polaka. Ok. 173cm, śniady, grube rysy, włosy zaczesane lecz barankowate, elegancki. Zam. Leszno 57-wrzes.41. Dom Handlowy Kohn i Heller - Leszno 14. Starali się w Gminie o koncesję na tytoń. Chwalili się, że napisali do Gminy, że jeżeli zaraz nie dostaną, to znajdą inną drogę.-maj41
(9)Collaborated with Germans. Together with Kohn set up the first trade agency in the ghetto.
(10)Came from Lodz, co-operated with the "Thirteen," later on left the "Thirteen," has a department store.
(11)Reicher knows him from Lodz - an ordinary merchant.
(12)a Gestapo functionary, smuggled goods on a large scale.
(13)Made lots of money together with Kohn by releasing arrested Jews from prison and by canceling confiscations of money and real estate. For some time he was a clerk of the "Thirteen," but he quit this job and set up a company with Kohn. After having left the "Thirteen" he makes a profit as a driver of a horse tram and smuggling people to the "Aryan side".
(14)A co-owner of horse trams, a Gestapo agent, shot at the beginning of August 1942 by the Germans.
(15)Kon and Heller - unofficial patorns of cabarets and theatres, gave money to charity, gave away lots of money, for some time with their help people could be released from prison of could send for a relative from the countryside. They were the source of rumours concerning the future of the ghetto, they were the first to inform people about the upcoming deportation.
(16)A "Thirteen" functionary, famous in the ghetto for his contacts with the Sicherheitspolizei. Also an owner of a trade company.
Czerniaków, Adam, Adama Czerniakowa dziennik getta warszawskiego. 6 IX 1939 - 23 VII 1942, (The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow)
"Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: the 'journal' of
Emanuel Ringelblum. Emanuel Ringelblum work was edited and translated into English by Jacob
Sloan, and published in New York by McGraw-Hill Book Company, cop. 1958
under the title Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: the 'journal' of Emanuel
Kapłan, Chaim Aron Scroll of Agony. The Warsaw Diary, transl. from Hebrew and ed. by A. I. Katsh
Dokumenty z Archiwum Akt Nowych dotyczące getta warszawskiego
(11)Reicher, Edward W ostrym świetle dnia. Dziennik żydowskiego lekarza 1939-1945 (In Broad Daylight. A Diary of a Jewish Doctor 1939 - 1945)
Adler, Stanisław <> <>
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