Given name: Mira Family name: Konstantynowska
- Female
- Mira
- Konstantynowska
- Janina Zawadzka
- 1885
Signed up for emigration to Palestine, she had two daughters there; later on she resigned because she was afraid that the whole situation was a German deceit. Left the ghetto in mid-September 1942, lived in Jerozolimskie Avenue, later on in Piusa Street. Visited her daughter in Mokotowska Street - she went there and cooked meals. She had papers claiming that her name was Janina Zawadzka. Had to leave the flat in Piusa Street in December 1943 because Ewa's Jewish flatmate was denounced by her lover's wife. She went to Mrs Muszol to Sulejowek.
- around the author
Good appearance but her accent gave her away.
Related sources:
- 82,106,318,319,332,333
Related events:
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