This entry was not yet translated into English.
Nowi "aryjczycy", Żydzi z kupionymi...
Nowi "aryjczycy", Żydzi z kupionymi fałszywymi świadectwami chrztu mogą przebywać poza murami getta, są traktowani jak prawdziwi aryjczycy.
- 1941-03-07
- in the ghetto
- social/communal
- Christians, the 'Aryan' side, Jews
Kapłan, Chaim Aron, Scroll of Agony. The Warsaw Diary, transl. from Hebrew and ed. by A. I. Katsh
- 230
Related people:
Chaim Aron
Author of the diary, which was found 20 years after the Warsaw ghetto uprising and published in England in 1966. Tea...
Chaim Aron