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Oddział ginekologiczny ze szpitala na Czystem...
Oddział ginekologiczny ze szpitala na Czystem trafia do szpitala doktora Gurwicza na Tłomackie. Kapłan uważa rozbicie i przenosiny szpitala z Czystem za tragedię.
- 1941-02-01
- before formation of the ghetto
- social/communal
- address, physicians, medicine, medical
Kapłan, Chaim Aron, Scroll of Agony. The Warsaw Diary, transl. from Hebrew and ed. by A. I. Katsh
- 220
Related people:
Chaim Aron
Author of the diary, which was found 20 years after the Warsaw ghetto uprising and published in England in 1966. Tea...
Doctor, department head at the hospital in Tlomackie Street. In February 1941, the gynaecology department from the h...
Chaim Aron