Unknown Not in Warsaw
- NO
- Not in Warsaw
- the outskirts
- Germans operations, work
- outside of Warsaw
A sawmill, where men from the labour camp in Majdanek worked. It was surrounded from three sides with a field. Guard posts were situated every 15-20 steps, which made escaping it impossible. There was also a street next to it.
Jerzy Pfefer, born 1926, son of Abraham and Rozalia, Moja ucieczka z Majdanka (My escape from Majdanek). During the Warsaw ghetto uprising the author and his family were hiding in a shelter in Franciszkanska St.; after the shelter had been found, they were deported to Lublin. Selection in the concentration camp at Majdanek. Living conditions in the camp, tormenting prisoners, profiles of functionary prisoners. The author was assigned to work in the kitchen. Retrospection: reminiscences of his wife and son, murdered in Majdanek. Description of the great liquidation action of 1942. In June 1943, the author escaped from a work detail outside the camp and returned to Warsaw. His stay in various hideouts in Warsaw. Considerations on the detrimental character of religious disputes and the superiority of the Communist system. Complaints about Poles appropriating Jewish property. In 1945 the author submitted a copy to the Jewish Historical Commission in Lodz.
- 44, 45
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