Given name: Karol Family name: Rotgeber

  • YES
  • Male
  • Karol
  • Rotgeber
  • Rotgeber
  • 1887-00-00
  • During World War I the author was in Siberia, later he came back to the country via America. During World War II he stayed with his wife and little son in Warsaw, where he lived at Franciszkanska Street No. 20, later in the ghetto. He worked in the brushmakers' shop, where he managed to survive. His son was deported to Treblinka. Karol Rotgeber crossed with his wife to the 'Aryan side', where he survived to the end of war. After the war, he registered himself as Kalman Rotgeber.

  • The author begins his memoirs during World War I (evacuation to Siberia and return home via America after the revolution). The author goes on to describe the fate of Warsaw Jews, intertwined by historiosophical considerations. He describes the siege of Warsaw in 1939, anti-Jewish decrees of the occupation authorities, resettlement of Jews from the provinces to Warsaw, the activity of the Jewish Police (Order Service) and Gestapo agents, living conditions in the ghetto, the great liquidation actionof 1942. He also describes the Umschlagplatz and explains the organisation of the 'shops'. He discusses selections among shops employees, refers to stories told by those who had escaped from Treblinka. The author survived with his wife in the brushmakers' shop; his son was deported. The author left the ghetto and was hiding on the 'Aryan' side. The memoirs were written in hiding. The author and his wife survived the war (registered as Kalman Rotgeber). In 1945 he offered his memoirs to the Jewish Historical Commission in Warsaw. Typewritten manuscript, pp. 1-215, 290 x 210 mm. Copy: typewritten manuscript (carbon copy). Publication: Pamietniki z getta warszawskiego, Warszawa 1993 (Warsaw Ghetto Memoirs, Warsaw 19936, pp. 424-425 – fragments; Karol Lewap, Pamietnik z okresu okupacji, Kalendarz Żydowski-Almanach, 1995-1996 (Occupation-Time Memoir, The Jewish Calendar-Almanach), 1995-1996, pp. 212-231 (fragments).