Testimony 03/166, Yad Vashem Archives
- Franciszka
- Kaszubowa
- account/testimony
- no
- no
- Polish
The testimony concerns the period following the Action: the round-up, stay at the Umschlagplatz, the journey to Treblinka - the author jumped out of the train. After the wr her name was Rosenkranz, Haifa, Kiriat Motzkin rch, Haraw Cook 106 .
Yad Vashem Archival Division
P.O.B. 3477
Jerusalem 91034 Israel
phone (972) (2) 6443720; fax. (972) (2) 6443719
Related people:
The author's husband, after the Action worked in a disinfectant centre for German uniforms.
Franciszka (Frida)
the author of the testimony; before, she worked in hospital in the ghetto
German, from the Wehrmacht, the head of the Sawka point - 'quite by chance, a decent man'; his son died on the front...
Frida née Einhorn's, the author, sister. She works at a pharmacy in the ghetto.
the author's brother; he is a doctor in a hospital in the ghetto.
Related places:
Stawki 46
dom specjalny, zamieszkały przez ludzi żyjących w skrajnej nędzy;
near the Umschlagplatz - a work detail for disinfection of uniforms
Muranowska 18/20
detail workers lived there, the author of testimony Fransciszka Kaszubowa; there was a shop in this house - now clos...
there are two corpses of Germans killed on 18 January 1943
Powązkowska (kości, ciała)
fabricated data, completely unbelievable
wagon do Treblinki
it does not belong to the ghetto - Jews work on it - they tidy and clean flats
Żelaznej Bramy Plac 5 49
data fabricated; description of what it refers to, etc..
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