Jews' Diaries, sygn. 302/206; Jewish Historical Institute Archives; author: Binem Motyl; title: Do moich ewentualnych czytelnikow (To my potential...
- Binem
- Motyl
- memoir
- no
- after the war
- Polish
Jews' Diaries; Sygn. 302/206; in the Archive of the Jewish Historical Institute; The memoir is an account of war-time experiences of Motyl Binem. It covers the period from 1 September 1939 to, approximately, late April 1943. 146 pages. The author describes, among others: everyday life in the ghetto, trade, smuggling ('szmugiel'), transfer of people to the 'Aryan side'. The memoir ends during the final liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto.
Archive of the Jewish Historical Institute
Tlomackie St. 3/5
00-090 Warsaw
phone: (48) (22) 827 92 21, fax: (48)(22) 827 83
Related people:
A barrister.
Motyl Binem's cousin. A soldier. After the capitulation of Warsaw in September 1939 he provided Motyl and his family...
Salomon Zarchin's brother-in-law. He accompanied him, Motyl Binem and his uncle, also Motyl, in the journey to Russi...
He ran brush workshops in the ghetto's area. One of them was given a legal status which created a place of work and...
Motyl Binem's cousin. Co-owner of the brush shop. During the selection on 10 September 1942 he hid his 6-month-old c...
Motyl Binem's friend from the children's time. They were employed in the 'Derma' factory in the fall of 1942.
A teacher in elementary school in Kluszyn.
A radioelectrician from Warsaw.
In her flat at Nowiniarska Street No. 16 he hid Nadzia Motyl since January 1943.
Motyl Binem's youngest brother. He defended Warsaw in September 1939.
Before the war residing in Warsaw at Sliska Street No. 20. Motyl Binem's neighbour, met in Brzesc at the end of Dece...
Motyl Binem's friend. His companion during a few smuggling expeditions to Gostyn.
Motyl Binem's friend. They were caught together during illegal smuggling through the border, near the Janaski villag...
Motyl Binem's friend from childhood. They traded together in the 'Derma' factory, in autumn 1942.
Binema Motyla
W chwili zatrzymania przez żabdarmów niemieckich ukrywała się w mieszkaniu na Miłej 52. Miała 6 lat i ojciec w ren s...
W momencie wybuchu wojny pracował w Związku Spółdzielni Kredytowych. Przed wojną i w początkowym okresie tworzenia g...
Binem (wujek)
Motyl Binem's uncle. Severely beaten during the attack of German gendarmes on Jewish people at the Eastern Railway S...
Binem Motyl's (uncle) wife. In December 1939 she settled with her husband in Binem Motyl's flat. The last message th...
Motyl Binem's distant cousin. His partner in delivery of smuggled food to people's kitchens in the ghetto.
Motyl Binem's wife. The mother of their only daughter. After losing her she was evacuated to the 'Aryan side' to Mr...
dental technician; Motyl Binem's collaborator; in the winter 1943 they earned together a few thousands zloties buyin...
A writer from Warsaw. Wrote 'Der Sump.' Committed suicide by cutting his throat. Found the next day in a closet at M...
- Czerniakow Adam
Motyl Binem's friend; during the selection 10 September 1942 Germans took his 2-year-old niece, whose mother had bee...
A barrister. Motyl Binem's school teacher and his fellow traveller on the trip to Russia at the end of November 1939.
Motyl Binem describes him in his memoirs. At the beginning of 1943, when Binem was transferring people from the ghet...
before the war the director of Credit Cooperatives Union; in November 1939 he was appointed to establish the borders...
Related places:
during the last stages of deportations from the ghetto, the few Jews who stayed in Warsaw were employed there
- okolice Dworca Głównego
szosa Mińsk Mazowiecki-Warszawa, wieś Dęde Wielkie, Wawer i Praga
a main road, through which Warsaw inhabitants escaped from Warsaw in the first days of September, to come back later
Sosnowa i Złota
Smuggling den (meta) was situated there; it was a place for smuggling goods and people to and from the ghetto. Motyl...
popular trading post in occupied Warsaw
- teren XIX i XX komisariatu
teren okupacji sowieckiej
A small town in the area of Soviet occupation. A lot of Poles arrived there, in particular the Jews who at East soug...
- Dworzec Wschodni
dworce, główne ulice
Cities located near the eastern border. Trade was especially rich there during the occupation. The prices were much...
Piłsudskiego 13
in this building there was the commission which considered applications submitted by Jews who wanted to stay in Cracow
- Pańska, róg Chłodnej i Żelaznej
During evacuating to the East in September 1939, the refugees stopped in this town. A lot of friends met there (main...
An important city on the smugglers' track. Motyl Binem's parents lived there, he made most of his business in this c...
A few local Jews sold flour to smugglers from Warsaw in the autumn of 1940.
From May 1941, Motyl Binem and his two partners received passes enabling them to travel around the Sochaczewsko-Blon...
Nowolipie 28
a shop, which during the ghetto deportation gained the status of a legal one and was assigned a special block of hou...
Grzybowska 26
the Judenrat was situated there
Żelazna i Leszno
During the first wave of deportations, on the border of the ghetto, each morning the groups going for work sat there...
Żelazna 54
during the time of final deportation of the ghetto it was a place for trade and exchange of things taken from the gh...
rynek, koszary wojskowe
Motyl Binem escaped from the city through the market, next to military barracks and further to the road for Kluszyn
Śliska 9
the place presented a horrible sight - a large hall, full of wounded people lying on the floor, black puddles of blo...
- Śliska i Wielka
Śliska 18
Motyl Binem, his wife and daughter's flat
Śliska 18
Motyl Binem and his family's flat
Świętojerska 28-34
Smugglers' den ('meta') created by Motyl Bineman, Bercio Bocian and Eliasz Klanbart in Autumn 1942. At this address...
Świętojerska 32
almost all hiding there were burnt alive, when Germans put down all the stairs, cutting off the ways out, and next t...
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