Jews' Diaries, sygn. 302/201; Jewish Historical Institute Archives; author: Rachela Kleiner; title: no title
- Rachela
- Kleiner
- memoir
- partially
- after the war
- Polish
Part I. Participation in a sabotage group after the outbreak of the German-Soviet war in 1941. A failed attempt to escape to the east and return to Lvov. Jewish pogroms organised by the Ukrainians. The establishment of the Lvov ghetto. The author left for Warsaw, and since 1942 worked in an orphanage in the Warsaw ghetto. In August 1942 she left for Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski, and after the liquidation of the ghetto had to return to Warsaw, where she reported to leave for Germany. Part II. Work in an armament factory in Gera (Thuringia). Remarks on attitudes of the Germans and forced labourers. Liberation, return to Poland. Before the war, the author was a member of the Communist Party of Western Ukraine. Typescript (+ carbon copy). Published: Rachela Kleiner, Wspomnienia z getta w Warszawie (grudzien 1941 r. - wrzesien 1942 r.) (Memoires from the Warsaw Ghetto, December 1941 - September 1942) , 'Biuletyn ZIH', No. 2 (62), 1967, pp.125-136 (fragment).
Archive of the Jewish Historical Institute
Tlomackie St. 3/5
00-090 Warsaw
phone: (48) (22) 827 92 21, fax: (48)(22) 827 83
Related people:
An activist of the Communist Party of Ukraine. In 1941 sent in a sabotage group to the terrains occupied by the Germ...
A deputy of the director of the orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14. Korczak's foster child.
Polish Workers' Party (PPR) activist; came to the meetings organised in the orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14.
The director of the orphanage at Widok Street No. 14, where Rachela Kleiner worked since Janaury 1942.
N. [Nieznane]
An artist, he and his wife run art classes in spring 1942, in the orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14.
N. [Nieznane]
Artist, in the spring of 1942 she and her husband organised art classes for the children from Children's Home at Wol...
An activist of the Polish Workers' Party (PPR) from the terrain of the hospital near the Umschlagplatz. Helped Lola...
An activist of the Polish Workers' Party (PPR). During the war lived hith her husband in Warsaw, Nowogrodzka Street...
Lived in Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski, a left-wing activist, Lola Hocherman's acquaintance.
Before the war she lived in Lodz. Deported to Germany, where she was a slave labourer. Worked in an arms factory in...
N. [Nieznane]
Housemistress in the Children's Home at Wolnosc Street No. 14. Her husband, Bund activist, is in the camp.
from 1939 to autumn of 1941 she lived in Lvov. Together with Rachela Kleiner and Lola Hocherman she goes to Warsaw,...
Housemistress in the Children's Home at Wolnosc Street 14. Polish Workers' Party (PPR) activist.
N. [Nieznane]
husband of Halina Walter, the housemistress in the Orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14; a Bund activist.
N. [Nieznane]
Lola Hocherman's sister. Warsaw Ghetto resident. In 1941 her husband was in a camp and her daughter was in the count...
N. [Nieznane]
A headmistress in the orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14. Took care of the store room.
N. [Nieznane]
The headmaster of the orphanage located near the orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14. An activist of the Polish Worke...
N. [Nieznane]
A housemaster in the orphanage located in the neighbourhood of the orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14. An activist o...
N. [Nieznane]
Ida's 8-year-old daughter. Ida was Lola Hocherman's sister. Rachela Kleiner lived with them in the ghetto. Zuza was...
N. [Nieznane]
The director of a labour camp in the General Government. Pleads Rachela and Lola's cause when some start to suspect...
N. [Nieznane]
the Home Army (Armia Krajowa) officer. Most likely he was in the Hospital at Stawki Street in the beginning of 1942....
Rachela Kleiner's acquaintance.
A director of the orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14, since February or March 1942.
A foster child of the orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14. managed to hide from the Germans during the deportation of...
head of the Centos (the Central Organization for Orphan Care).
Rachela Kleiner's acquaintance. A member of a sabotage group in June 1941. After her return to Tarnopol she moved to...
N. [Nieznane]
Departmental nurse in the hospital where Rachela Kleiner was treated in the beginning of 1942
Rachela kleiner's friend from Tarnopol. In July 1941 told Rachela e.g. about a pogrom after the Germans entered the...
N. [Nieznane]
An Ukrainian. Helped the Jews in Grzymalow. Stationmaster's mother. In July 1941 helped Rachela Kleiner by putting h...
The head of the Centos (the Central Organization for Orphan Care).
N. [Nieznane]
A Jewish policeman that kept guard in Zelazna Street. Handed Rachela and Lola over to another policeman so that he e...
inspector of the Centos (the Central Organization for Orphan Care); came to the meetings of a Polish Workers' Party...
During the war lived in Lvov. Before the war she was doing time with Rachela Kleiner for political activity.
Rachela Kleiner's cousin. Skalat's inhabitant. In July 1941 she, her husband and her child hid in the cellar of thei...
A foster child in the orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14. Managed to hide from the Germans during the deportation of...
N. [Nieznane]
Lived in Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski. A baker. Rachela and Lola's acquaintance. Believed that the Germans would deport t...
A communist from Tarnopol. A member of a sabotage group to which Rachela Kleiner belonged too. In September 1941 liv...
Polish Workers' Party (PPR) activist, came to the meetings organised in the orphanage at Wolnosc Street No. 14.
Related places:
Hospital where Lola Hocherman- Rachela Kleiner's friend - works
a colonial shop was located there
Zamenhofa 8
In the lodger's room of Lola Hocherman's sister, Ida, there live Rachela and Lola (until December 1941).
Zamenhofa 10
A flat of a tailor whom Ida helps. Rachela visits him sometimes.
Rachela met there a German firing towards the pavement.
A city in Ukraine. Rachela Kleiner's pre-war place of residence. In 1941, Soviet authorities organized in Tarnopol s...
In June 1941, Rachela Kleiner together with a group of Communists tries to get to the General Government going throu...
A place on the way to the General Government where Rachela and her companions stay for a few days.
A town in Ukraine, where Rachela Kleiner's aunt lives. Rachela visits her on her way to the West.
A town in Ukraine which Rachela reaches in July 1941. Her cousin lives here.
A town in Ukraine where Rachela Kleiner's cousin, Bela Chusyd, lives. Rachela visits her in July 1941.
A place in Ukraine which Rachela visits at the turn of July and August on her way to the West.
A Ukrainian town which Rachela Kleiner reaches on her way to the West. Her cousins live here.
A place in Ukraine, where the stepmother of Rachela Kleiner's mother lives. Rachela visits her on her way to Lvov in...
A place in Ukraine where Rachela's friend, Lonka Franzos, lives during the war. Rachela visits her in August 1941.
Rachela Kleiner lives in Lvov from September 1941.
Rachela Kleiner describes one of the ghetto's main streets. She presents gap between the rich and the poor residents
workshops where Lola Hocherman's sister - Ida, tries to get; after Lola and Rachela's intercession with the sisters'...
Nowogrodzka 31
a Polish Workers' Party (PPR) member, Barbara Sowinska's flat, who helps Rachela and Lola after their leaving the gh...
A place where Lola Hocherman's family lives. Lola and Rachela Kleiner live here after they ran away from Warsaw in S...
A city, where Rachela and Lola stay for a while after running away from Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski.
A city in Thuringia where a labour camp is situated. Rachela and Lola are taken to this camp in autumn 1942.
Lola Hocherman and Ida's uncle's flat, where Ida hides with her daughter during the First Action
a passage through which workers from the other side of the wall got to the 'Aryan side'
Wolność 14
Here was situated the Orphanage in which Rachela Kleiner worked from 1942.
Related events:
- Rachela dochodzi do Strusowa, gdzie mieszka jej ciotka. Widzi ares... 1941-07 ,
- Rachela dociera do Grzymałowa, do swojej kuzynki, która przestrasz... 1941-07 ,
- W Skałacie Rachela odwiedza kuzynkę - Belę Chusyd, która razem z m... 1941-07 ,
- Rachela przybywa do Lwowa. Odwiedza kuzynki, które opowiadają o po... 1941-09-08 ,
- Rachela ponownie szuka pracy. Zajmuje się jako pielęgniarka chorym... 1942-01 ,
- Lola dostaje pracę jako pielęgniarka w szpitalu na ul. Stawki. Spo... 1942-01 ,
- Rachela rozpoczyna pracę w Domu Dziecka na ul. Wolność 14.Pisze, ż... 1942-01 ,
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- Na wiosnę zaczynają się przygotowania do inscenizacji wiersza Czuk... 1942-03 ,
- Latem dzieci wystawiają przedstawienie przed grupą bogatych sponso... 1942-04 ,
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- Rachela i Lola mają dwa kontakty po stronie aryjskiej. Pierwszy -... 1942-09 ,
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- Rachela umawia się na spotkanie z Jankiem, wychowankiem Domu Dziec... 1942-09 ,
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- W Ostrowcu rozpoczyna się akcja wysiedlania. Rachela i Lola idą do... 1942-10 ,
- Po akcji do składu porcelany przychodzi Polak, który otrzymał budy... 1942-10 ,
- Rachela i Lola wykorzystują moment nieuwagi pilnujących policjantó... 1942-10 ,
- Po przyjeździe do Warszawy Rachela i Lola zostają aresztowane przy... 1942-10 ,
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- Rachela i Lola decydują się wyjechać do Niemiec. Jadą razem z Polk... 1942-11 ,
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- Ger zostaje wyzwolony przez Amerykanów. Rachela wraz z Lolą postan... 1945-05 ,
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- Wyjazd z Tarnopola do Lwowa. Na drodze wiele zwłok osób zamordowan... 1941-06-29 ,
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- Ida opiekuje się krawcem z ul. Zamenhofa 10, który nie może chodzi... 1941-12 ,
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- Rachela opisuje wychowanków: dwie dziewczynki, 8-9-letnie, wygląda... 1942-01 ,
- Rachela opisuje krzywdę, którą wyrządziła jednemu z wychowanków. P... 1942-01 ,
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- W Domu Dziecka panują choroby: świerzb, czerwonka, tyfus. Rachela... 1942-01 ,
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- Rachela i Lola decydują się jechać do Ostrowca Świętokrzyskiego, d... 1942-09 ,
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- W Ostrowcu odbywa się publiczna egzekucja przez powieszenie 37 Pol... 1942-09 ,
- Zaczynają pojawiać się plotki o wysiedleniu. Mieszkańcy Ostrowca p... 1942-09 ,
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- Rachela z sympatią pisze o radzieckich robotnicach. Wspomina uczcz... 1943-01 ,
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- Lola rozpoczyna pracę w szpitalu obozowym. Pewnego dnia do szpital... 1943-03 ,
- Aresztowanie Loli, która funkcjonariuszom gestapo wmawia, że jest... 1944-06 ,
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- Opis ulicy Zamenhofa. Rachela przedstawia kontrast między tleniony... 1942-01 ,
- Racheli trudno uwierzyć, że można być sytym. Widzi ludzi, których... 1942-01 ,
- Sąsiadką Racheli jest 17-letnia działaczka Haszomer Hacair, która... 1942-01 ,
- Rachela podejmuje pracę służącej u sióstr, których mężowie przebyw... 1942-01 ,
- Rachela, chcąc odwiedzić Lolę nadal pracującą w szpitalu, trafia n... 1942-07-22 ,
- Blokada na Zamenhofa. Rachela i Lola uciekają na strych. Gdy wraca... 1942-07-22 ,
- Sala Wiślicka zostawia pod opieką Racheli i Loli swoich rodziców.... 1942-07-22 ,
- Bogaty wujek Loli i Idy umieszcza całą rodzinę w warsztatach na ul... 1942-07-22 ,
- W czasie kolejnej blokady Rachela ucieka do skrytki - komórki pod... 1942-07-22 ,
- Ida chce ratować córkę - Zuzę i marzy o pracy w warsztatach na ul.... 1942-07-22 ,
- W drodze do Lwowa Rachela widzi grupę Żydów prowadzoną przez Ukrai... 1941-07 ,
- W Kopyczyńcach Rachela nocuje u rodziny żydowskiej. Dowiaduje się... 1941-07 ,
- Rachela odwiedza w Mielnicy kuzynki, które tego dnia wyszły z ares... 1941-07 ,
- Szaulisi codziennie ostrzeliwują Dom Dziecka. 1942-07 ,
- Członkowie personelu przeprowadzają się na teren Domu Dziecka. Rac... 1942-07-22 ,
- Wracając na Zamenhofa, Rachela zostaje złapana przez grupę robotni... 1942-07-22 ,
- Idąc do mieszkania na ul. Zamenhofa, Rachela spotyka na ul. Tłomac... 1942-07-22 ,
- Rachela nocuje w różnych miejscowościach. Często u Polaków i Ukrai... 1941-08 ,
- Rachela decyduje się iść do Lwowa, po drodze przechodząc przez Cho... 1941-08 ,
- Rachela udaje się do Monasterzysk, do Lonki Franzos, z którą wyrus... 1941-08 ,
- Kierownikiem Domu jest Storch, jego zastępcą - Harry, wychowanek K... 1942-01 ,
- Rachela nocuje w domu na Zamenhofa. Następnego dnia udaje się do D... 1942-07-22 ,