Street: Stawki
From Warsaw
in the explanation to the regulation from 7 August 1940 as the border of the closed area; as the place of strolls [f...
Street: Stawki
From Warsaw
craft training school of the Association Supplying Jobs to Poor Jews in the Judenrat's own building erected in 1901
House number:
Street: Sienna
From Warsaw
zagrożona odpadnięciem od tworzącego się getta (20.10.40); po nieparzystej stronie ma być wyłączona z getta w końcu...
Street: Sienna
From Warsaw
a place, where graphic works of [courses'?] students were displayed, visited by Czerniakow on 30 August 1941
Street: Stawki
From Warsaw
a house for refugees, whose 'Aryan' inhabitants moved out from it in September 1941, because of the change in ghetto...
Street: Stawki
From Warsaw
Infectious Diseases Ward of the moved Czyste hospital; later, hospital in the Umschlagplatz, to which all the ghetto...