Street: Unknown City: No information In a cottage near the forest lived a Polish couple, who helped the partisans and refugees from the ghetto. In the wo...
Street: Nalewki City: From Warsaw a German Police station is located there
Street: Nowe Miasto City: Not in Warsaw large grey building, closely guarded, even though seemingly deserted.
Street: Nowe Miasto City: Not in Warsaw an elderly Polish woman sells apples: a messenger buys two apples and tries to learn something about the local Jews.
Street: Nowiniarska City: From Warsaw Before the war the Birenbaums lived there. The house burned in September 1939.
- House number: 11/3
Street: Oświęcim City: Not in Warsaw Obóz koncentracyjny Oświęcim- Brzezinka. Blok 25 przeznaczony był dla niezdolnych do pracy, przeznaczonych do gazu.
- House number: blok 25