Street: Leszno/ Żelazna City: From Warsaw Mme Grunberg together with Rysiek had an appointment with Mr P. in this street who was supposed to collect the boy f...
Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw the house from which during the action a person with a work record was led out, and another person with the same doc...
- House number: 52
Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw Znajdowała się tam w budynku mieszkalnym fabryka "Pszczółka", niedaleko gmachu sądu. Wchodziło się do niej...
- House number: 49
Street: Leszno/Żelazna City: From Warsaw the Labor Office of the Judenrat building; The Jewish Social Self-Help (ZSS) is situated there
Street: Lubeckiego City: From Warsaw hundreds of thousands of Jews were gathered there in September 1942 and deported from Warsaw
Street: Logika, Miła, Stawki, plac Lubeckiego, Wołyńska City: From Warsaw after a 'round-up' Jews settled there on an assigned patch of Warsaw including these streets
Street: Limanowskiego City: Not in Warsaw Plenipotentiary for housing matters at the Governor got a room to store the things that the deported Jews had left.
- House number: 2, 4
Street: Leszno City: From Warsaw It was residence of an organisation named The Office to Combat Profiteering and Speculation. It was commonly called...
- House number: 13