Street: plac Grzybowski City: From Warsaw there are two churches in the ghetto (Leszno Street, Grzybowski Square) for baptised Jews and Christians of Jewish o...
Street: Gródecka City: Not in Warsaw street leading from railway station to Janowska Street
Street: Grochowska City: From Warsaw Henryk G. and his wife were hiding there for three days after they had escaped the ghetto. Henryk Samiewski's acquai...
Street: Gęsia, Smocza, Zamenhofa, Niska City: From Warsaw Jews who still stayed in the ghetto in September 1942 were to focus withing these streets; there was a 'round-up' th...
Street: Grzybowska City: From Warsaw Mieszkał tu Chaim Bojmal, który zalegał z płatnościami za gaz za czas do 1941-05-15.
- House number: 16
Street: Gęsia City: From Warsaw at 10 a.m. a thick line formation of Ukrainians and Lithuanias is formed there
Street: Gdańska City: From Warsaw Stanislaw Januszewski lived there with his mother; at the end of 1942, Zofia Marczak and her daughter were hiding th...
- House number: 2
Street: Gęsia City: From Warsaw szop metalowy pod kierownictwem Nussa, protegowanego Niemca. Podczas I i II akcji żadnego z jego pracowników nie wyw...
- House number: 79
Street: Gęsia City: From Warsaw report of 23 February 1943 says in this building out of 337 present inhabitants there were 19 orphans and 53 half-or...
- House number: 71