Given name: Anna Family name: Wąchalska
- Female
- Anna
- Wąchalska
- Wonchalska
A Pole. On 5 December 1942 participated in the catholic funeral of Gina Klepfisz. Anna Wachalska helped Wladka to get documents on the name of Stanislawa Wachalska, her way back deceased daughter. It was her who received the letter from Wladka with the request for help from the prison at Danilowiczowska Street. Thanks to the Pole, the friends from the Jewish Coordinating Committee (ZKK) immediately collected ransom, bribed the superintendent of the Polish police and the girl was released after 24 hours in the cell. At the end of 1943 often visited Wladka at Twarda Street, to the suspicious neighbours she presented herself as Wladka's mother. She lived with her sister - Maria Sawicka. Both of them were involved in the co-operation with the Jewish organisations and the Polish socialist underground. They also hid two Jewish girls.
- activists
13-year old Jewess with markedly 'Aryan' features- Zoska Ribak - lived with her
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Related events:
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