Given name: Jankiel Family name: Wiśnia
co-owner of property Willa Grand, Warsaw District
co-owner of property Willa Grand, Warsaw District
co-owner of property Willa Grand, Warsaw District
co-owner of property Willa Grand; Warsaw District
owner of property 1117-0; co-owner of property 1411, 1244-A
Hudesa vel hadesa Wagner's husband. Co-owner of property Willa Anielin G in the Warsaw District.
Chaim-Jakub Wagner's wife. Co-owner of property Willa Anielin G in the Warsaw District.
Co-owner of property Willa Lasowka in the Warsaw District.
Szoel and Rywka nee Rajchenbach's daughter; Dawid and Jakub Glaszmidt's sister; the last place of residence - Warsaw...
Co-owner of property Osada Grodzisk 89 in the Blonie District.
Owner of property Osada Grodzisk 89 in the Blonie District.