Given name: Unknown Family name: T., administrator
The housekeeper of the house where Mrs. F. lived.
The housekeeper of the house where Mrs. F. lived.
A denunciator of the Security Police collecting information in the camp in Plaszow. Previously, he worked in a Germa...
Owned the cafe at Leszno Street No. 28.
A deputy of the head of BuF (Bevoelkerungswesen und Fuersorge, Population and Welfare Department of the General Gove...
Chairman of the OSE (Oeuvre De Secour Aux Enfants (OSE, Society for the Aid of Children) in Geneva
Employee of the Red Cross in Geneva
The chairman of the RGO (Central Welfare Council) succeeded Ronikier.
In August 1939 Tsalal, his wife and their three-year-old son came to Warsaw to visit some relatives. Events forced t...
Gave shelter to Lucja Seid in her flat in Mickiewicza Street for one night (7/8 February 1943).
Lived at Krasinskiego Street No. 10.