Given name: Marysia Family name: Sawicka (3)
- (1, 2, 3) YES
- (1, 2, 3) Female
- (1) Marysia , (2) Marysia , (3) Maria
- (1) Sawicka , (2) Sawicka , (3) Sawicka
- (1, 2) No information, (3) From Warsaw
- (3) Wola
- (3) Polish
Before the war she was a 700 m runner in the club 'Skra'. A messenger of the Jewish Fighting Organisation; from the end of 1942 or from the beginning of 1943, on the 'Aryan side'; she lived with Adina Blady in Dzielna Street, later at Miodowa Street No. 24. Later, in Leszno Street, where she was a main lodger, she lived together with Antek, Celina Edelman, Stasia. She organised flats, documents, money, etc. She survived the war, lives in Lodz. Older than Adina.
(2)Aryan endorser (the flat for the hiding Jews was rented on her surname). Wachalska's sister. Rawicka lived at her place.
(3)A Pole. On 5 December 1942 she took part in Catholic funeral of Gina Klepfisz. She lives with her sister, Anna Wachalska. Engaged in the Polish Socialist underground and cooperates with Jewish organisations. Distributes underground publications. Hides two Jewish girls. In the end of 1943 she becomes one of the messengers, who take over Wladka's mission - contact Jews in Zelislawice.
- (3) after Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943
- (3) Poles operations, underground activity, help
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