Given name: Samuel Family name: Rajzman

  • YES
  • Male
  • Samuel
  • Rajzman
  • 1902
  • Węgrów
  • Before the war he was an agent in an export company. For ca. 10 years he lived in Gdynia. After the war he was a bookkeeper. In the Warsaw ghetto he lived with his wife and 12-year-old daughter in Dzielna Street. During the First Action he worked as a bookkeeper at Toebbens', deported to Treblinka on 22 September 1942 (his wife was deported 8 days earlier). In the camp he worked in a sorting plant. He saw his mother, sister and two brothers being led to death in Treblinka. A member of the Conspiratorial Committee in Treblinka, took part in the uprising in Treblinka. After he had escaped from the camp he hid in Wegrow. His daughter died in the Warsaw ghetto, during the uprising in April 1943. Author of testimony 301-687, he wrote articles about Treblinka for post-war magiznes.

  • civil servants
  • Rajzman, Samuel; testimony 301-687