Given name: Zofia Family name: Rozensztrauch
An artist?
An artist?
He hides, the Bermans take care of him.
A Polish Workers' Party (PPR) activist. He stays in the bunker at Mila Street No. 18, 'accidentally wearing a red sh...
A a Polish Workers' Party (PPR) activist in the ghetto. Later on member of the Command of the Jewish Fighting Organi...
Psycholog. W gettcie w-skim współpracował z Centosem. Był członkiem Komendantury Żydowskiej Organizacji Bojowej., ja...
Noem's father was in the House Committee together with his wife and older daughter. They were murdered in Majdanek.
A lawyer and member of the Judenrat.
A barrister, member of the Judenrat.
adwokat, radca Gminy kierownik Wydziału Związku Nieruchmomości,Wydział Prawny. W lipcu 42 jego bratową zabrano na Um...
A barrister, member of the Council of the Elders. Ringelblum called him the bad ghost of Czerniakow ('He was the one...