Given name: Nina Family name: Piotrowska
- Female
- Nina
- Piotrowska
Engineer Mikolaj Piotrowski's wife. She lived in Kaweczynska Street. She had four children: three boys between 10 and 16 years old and a four-year-old girl. During the war she traded. Her in-laws with her sister-in-law, Wala, and brother-in-law, Anatol, lived in Solec Street. After the war, the family moved to Nowolipki Street No. 15. In 1963 the children were already grown-up and were: engineer, doctor, MA in psychology.
Reminiscences from the occupation period written not chronologically. The author's return from German captivity in January 1940. The construction of the Warsaw wall ghetto. Stay on the 'Aryan side' since 1942 (incl. Wolomin). The ghetto uprising as seen from the outside. The great action in the Warsaw ghetto in 1942, the author and his wife waited out in a hideout. The reminiscences submitted by the author to the Jewish Historical Institute in 1963.
- 17
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