Given name: Sz Family name: Poznański
an actor
brothers - Gancwajch collaborators
he recommended people to give aid
żandarm, w getcie od 1940/41 w batalionie 308, od początku służby przekupny, współpracował z "grajkiem "Jó...
During the First Action she was hired in Schultz's shop at Ogrodowa Street No. 29. From 18 to 28 April 1943 she hid...
During the First Action hired at Schultz's shop at Ogrodowa Street No. 27. He worked there until April 1943. On 15 A...
During the First Action he was sent to the "Aryan side".
A Lodz barrister's wife. Employed in the Schultz’s shop. During the kettle in Mila Street she had life number, but s...
He saved his little son from the kettle in Mila Street; helped Artur Lewin to escape.